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Weavy v26 is here, and it’s all about making your DevEx smoother.

Feb 21, 2025

What’s new in Weavy v26

For the latest release of Weavy we had a deep focus on improving the the API as well as making sure we keep having great quality and performance across the product!

  • A streamlined API - The Conversations API is now merged into the Apps API.
  • Full React 19 support - Mix & match Web Components and React seamlessly.
  • Better notification handling - Improved event data and a new notification event.
  • Improved performance - Faster loading, smarter notifications, and fewer bugs.

"We focused on streamlining everything from API to performance and took a deep-dive into the code and made sure everything was optimally tuned." 

See changelog for all updates and details on how to upgrade

Web API improvements

The concept of Apps and Conversations were sharing some of the endpoints. This was many times a bit confusing. We simplified this by merging the Conversations API into the Apps API. This results in one place to handle Apps regardless if they have a conversation type or not.

Breaking change: All requests pointing to the Conversations API endpoints need to point to the Apps API instead.

See Apps API in docs

React 19 support

We have adjusted the React UI Kit to have full support for the new React 19. React now has full support for web components (custom elements), so we have provided support for both React Components and Web Components. You can mix and match freely as you like. Simply just import the @weavy/uikit-react. This means Weavy has extended the React support range to include React v16-v19.

See React v19 release notes

Web component support in frameworks

The names of events have been adjusted for better web compatibility. Some web component compatible frameworks such as Angular has specific requirements for the names. Our events are now named using kebab-case instead of being colon prefixes, for example wy-link.

Breaking change: All wy: prefixed event names you might use needs to be updated to be wy- prefixed to reflect this change.

See web framework compatibility info

Simplified notification event handling

To simplify working with notifications we have included improved data in the events. We now have built-in support to store data about where your Weavy component is placed in your app. You can utilize the metadata property of the app data using the Apps Web API. The source metadata will then be provided in the event detail.  To make room for the new event details, the previous event data is now available in event.detail.link. The following source metadata is provided automatically in the wy-link event detail when available:

  • source_url - An url pointing back to where the component is placed. This is useful for cross-site navigation.
  • source_name - The name of the site or system. Useful for distinguishing different navigation contexts.
  • source_data - Any additional data that helps performing navigation. This can be detailed data needed to simplify an in-app-navigation for instance.

New: There is a now a  wy-notification event provided directly on the <wy-notification-toasts> component, which can be used to handle custom notifications.

Bug fixes and improvements

We have fixed a lot of bugs and optimized performance in all Weavy components, but especially in the Messenger. Conversations now load faster than ever and read receipts are now handled better. Notification toasts will now only display when needed and not when you have the corresponding Weavy component visible.

Frameworks and tutorials

All our examples, guides and tutorials has of course been updated to reflect these changes.

Try it out and let us know what you think!

You can always reach us directly in the support.

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