With Weavy, the hook extension is only triggered in response to the available system events. Each hook is created to receive every update related to a specific event in the Weavy app. See Weavy.Core.Events for a comprehensive list of available and supported events.
Adding hooks to your Weavy App is very easy and with few lines of code, you are all set up. To begin with, you first add a class which inherits from class Hook, which is our base class for hooks. This class must also inherit the IHook<TEvent> interface for events that you wish to handle. Furthermore, it is good practice to always place your class in the “Models” folder.
Each hook class must have a unique GUID (globally unique identifier), this will let Weavy know about your hook class. Your hook class should also have a Serializable attribute.
Optionally, Weavy provides support to add plugin attribute to your hooks. This attribute must be added only once to your class. It can be used to decorate your class with optional metadata such as description etc
The following example shows how we add a hook that listens to the AfterInsertComment event and trashes comments that contain certain keywords.
using NLog;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Weavy.Core.Events;
using Weavy.Core.Models;
using Weavy.Core.Services;
Namespace Weavy.Models {
[Plugin(Description = "A hook that automatically trashes comments with certain keywords.")]
public class CommentFilterHook : Hook, IHook {
private static readonly Logger _log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
[Display(Name = "Keywords", Description = "A list of keywords to look for.")]
public List Keywords { get; set; }
/// Trash comment if it contains one of the specified keywords.
public Task HandleAsync(AfterInsertComment e) {
if (Keywords != null) {
foreach (var keyword in Keywords) {
if (e.Inserted.Text.IndexOf(keyword, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) {
var trashed = CommentService.Trash(e.Inserted.Id);
_log.Warn($"Trashed comment '{trashed.Text}' with keyword '{keyword}'");
return Task.CompletedTask;
From the above example, we can see that hooks must be decorated with the [Serialized] and [Guid] attribute. Also, you must give your class a unique Guid attribute; otherwise, Weavy will not recognize your Class.
Apart from this, you can also decorate using the [plugin] attribute. Properties you can set for this include.
- Icon – the name of an icon to use when displaying the daemon
- Color – the color to be used for the icon
- Name – this attribute displays names for the content item, e.g., "Comment filter."
- Description – Description is used for the daemon.
Hook fields
Hook Fields are pieces of information that can be added to a hook. This can be important if your hook requires some form of configuration. Fields have a name and a type. In the example given above, we added a field for storing the keywords not permitted in comments. Thus, Keywords in the above example is a Hook Field.
For a property to be considered a field, it must be declared as public read-write, i.e., the property has the public access modifier and has both a get and a set accessor.
Fields must also have one of the following supported types:
Nullables and Lists of the above types are also supported, e.g. int?, List<string> and List<DateTime?>
In the example above, the field Keywords has type List<string> and is a public access modifier with both a get and a set accessor. We can have multiple hook fields in a single class. For example, we may also want to send a warning email to the user if the comment gets trashed. For that we can use a bool field to keep a flag which can be set to True if comment is trashed.
If a hook requires some settings, like the Keywords property in our CommentFilterHook, you can navigate to /manage/hooks/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX where the last segment should be replaced with the Guid of your Hook, in this case, CF2303B5-A8B1-4F91-8029-9F464338A8DC for the CommentFilterHook.
By now, you have realised how easy it is to set up hooks for your Weavy App. Let us quickly summarise the important steps:
- List down the events for which you wish to set up hook from Weavy.Core.Events
- Create your Hook class, which must inherit from Hook.
- It must also inherit from IHook<TEvent> for all events that you wish to handle
- The class should be serializable and have unique GUID
- You can set [Plugin] attribute to decorate your hook
- You can use Hook Fields to configure data that you require
- Each Hook Field must be a public access modifier and should have a get and a set accessor. Field must also have a valid type.
You can also decorate your fields using attributes listed here