Winner of the Weavy Collaboration Hack 2020

Veavy'S Code

- by Mobilab_72e8

Team: Mobilab_72e8
Members: Abhilash K R, Ravi

Jury motivation;
"This is a use case applied to a real need detected by the team. Collaboration in the same environment where a team is working is not only a trend but also a requirement from many users. This includes developers but also any heavy user of a solution in need of collaborating with others. Extensions are a great solution. Well done!"


Developer switching contexts for messaging, file sharing, viewing posts related to company introduces a lot of apps switching along with system resources being eaten up for running those apps.

How can a developer use in-app messaging, secure file sharing etc using his favourite code editor without switching apps?

By using weavy, it's easy to integrate in-app messaging, file sharing etc.. with the current application we are in and hence increase our time and resources on fruitful work



Architecture & Technology Stack

  • TypeScript
  • Visual Studio
  • Sql
  • JavaScript





All the instructions are given in github readme file.




Feel free to ask questions about their winning submission or questions directly to the Weavy team.

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