Designers and Painters are turning to digital tools for their work, and require collaboration and file management without any compromise on the performance of their work.
Our project WeavCanvas allows artists and designers to seamlessly create stunning paintings and geometrical designs, using our AI canvas and unique brushes. They can collaborate with others in real time even from different devices, as our projects will be using websockets from The project will also allow speech to text and text to speech messaging as they don't wanna type while doing the art, and save it as png. We will be integrating Weavy File browser, so that they can it allows easy management of files and picking required files from their canvas without moving over to any other place.
The canvas have two specific categories of features:
- Calligraphy and artist canvas with different brushes
- Kaleidoscope canvas which will allow creation of Symmetric and geometric designs with minimal or no skill.
- Realtime Collaboration
- Design AI
- Easy communication while doing the work, instead of context switching
- Easy file management
- All in one experience
Architecture & Technology Stack
- NodeJs
- sockets
- p5.js
- Weavy file browser
- Webkit Speech Recognizer
- Text2Speech
- Express
Instruction in
You can actually interact directly with Abhilash & Ravi on our discord
Feel free to ask questions about their winning submission or questions directly to the Weavy team.
Architecture & Technology Stack
- TypeScript
- Visual Studio
- Sql
- JavaScript
All the instructions are given in github readme file.
You can actually interact directly with Abhilash & Ravi on our discord
Feel free to ask questions about their winning submission or questions directly to the Weavy team.