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Create a Refine app with Weavy components

This guide will show you what it looks like to integrate Weavy into a Refine app, quickly get a proof-of-concept up and running, and gain an understanding of what Weavy can do for your Refine apps.

Let's get started!

1. Weavy API Key and backend

First we need an API key to communicate with the Weavy backend.

2. Clone the example repo

We have created an example where the Weavy components are added on top of the Refine example.

  • Clone the repo.
  • Open the example in the repo using your favorite editor.
Start by cloning the repo
git clone https://github.com/weavy-labs/weavy-refine-example.git weavy-refine-example

3. Install dependencies

Change your directory to weavy-refine-example and run:
npm install

4. Configure environment variables

To securely handle the Weavy configuration, we provide the environment url and the API key as environment variables.

Create an .env file in the root of your example project and place the Weavy configuration there.


5. Build

Now, let's compile the project.

npm run build

6. Start

Start the project. 

Run the project
npm start
Once up and running you can open the preview at http://localhost:3000 to see the example in full action.

7. Done!

We now have a complete Refine app running using Weavy components. 

Make sure to explore:

  • Seamlessly integrated authentication.
  • Notifications available in the top bar.
  • Messenger available in the top bar .
  • Comments in the blog post view.
  • Feeds, chat and files in the category view.

Now, imagine all this in your app!

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