<iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-PP7S83N" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden">

Add rich comments to your Refine app

This tutorial will show how to create comments for blog posts and add it to your Refine powered React app using our comments component.

Have your favorite code editor ready, and let's get started!

1. Prepare your Refine app

Make sure you have a Refine powered app. For this tutorial we make use of NextJS with Ant Design.

Refine has a ready-to-go Authentication with NextAuth.js example for this.

npm create refine-app@latest -- --example with-nextjs-next-auth

2. Configuring Weavy

We need Weavy to be configured with an environment url and authentication to get the components running.

Make sure you have followed the tutorial for What to do first with Refine to configure authentication.

3. Adapt the layout

We're adding comments to the show page of a blog post. To make it look good you can wrap the post in a container that provide some gap between it's children.

  • Open the blog post show page found in /src/app/blog-posts/show/page.tsx.
  • Import the Space component from antd.
  • Wrap the returned content in a <Space> wrapper and set the direction="vertical" and size="middle".
import { Space } from "antd";

export default function BlogPostShow() {
  return (
    <Space direction="vertical" size="middle">
      <Show isLoading={isLoading}>
        <Title level={5}>{"ID"}</Title>
        <NumberField value={record?.id ?? ""} />
        <Title level={5}>{"Title"}</Title>
        <TextField value={record?.title} />
        <Title level={5}>{"Content"}</Title>
        <MarkdownField value={record?.content} />
        <Title level={5}>{"Category"}</Title>
            categoryIsLoading ? <>Loading...</> : <>{categoryData?.data?.title}</>
        <Title level={5}>{"Status"}</Title>
        <TextField value={record?.status} />
        <Title level={5}>{"CreatedAt"}</Title>
        <DateField value={record?.createdAt} />

4. Add comments

The comments are easily added by importing the <WyComments> component and placing it last in the <Space> wrapper.

You will need a uid for the comments component. This is a unique string that should be more or less related to where it's placed. The string can be anything we want, but we're gonna bake some information about the current page into it. This way you can navigate back to the page later if you, for instance, want to use realtime notifications in the app. You can use the pathname for this and encode it using Base64 to avoid disallowed characters.

  • Import WyComments from @weavy/uikit-react and place <WyComments> last in the <Space> wrapper.
  • Import the useParsed() hook from @refinedev/core and use the pathname from it.
  • Construct a string for the uid where you encode the pathname using btoa(pathname).  Use the string for the uid attribute on <WyComments>.
import { useParsed } from "@refinedev/core";
import { WyComments } from "@weavy/uikit-react";

export default function BlogPostShow() {
  const { pathname } = useParsed();
  const commentsUid = `refine:${btoa(`${pathname}#comments`)}`

  return (
    <Space direction="vertical" size="middle">
      <Show isLoading={isLoading}>
        <Title level={5}>{"ID"}</Title>
        <NumberField value={record?.id ?? ""} />
        <Title level={5}>{"Title"}</Title>
        <TextField value={record?.title} />
        <Title level={5}>{"Content"}</Title>
        <MarkdownField value={record?.content} />
        <Title level={5}>{"Category"}</Title>
            categoryIsLoading ? <>Loading...</> : <>{categoryData?.data?.title}</>
        <Title level={5}>{"Status"}</Title>
        <TextField value={record?.status} />
        <Title level={5}>{"CreatedAt"}</Title>
        <DateField value={record?.createdAt} />
      <WyComments uid={commentsUid} />

5. Done!

The comments are now ready for use. Just click to show any post and you will have rich comments for your users!

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