
The Embeds API converts URLs into embedded videos, images and rich article previews.

Create embed

Create an embed for the given url.

POST /api/embeds
Body parameters
url string required

The URL to retrieve embedding information for.

Example request
curl {WEAVY-URL}/api/embeds
-H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS-TOKEN | API-KEY}"
--json "{ 'url': 'https://weavy.com' }"
Response codes

201 Created
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
422 Validation Failed

Response schema
  "id": "integer",
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "author_name": "string",
  "author_url": "string",
  "provider_name": "string",
  "provider_url": "string",
  "cache_age": "integer",
  "thumbnail_url": "string",
  "thumbnail_width": "integer",
  "thumbnail_height": "integer",
  "url": "string",
  "width": "integer",
  "height": "integer",
  "html": "string",
  "original_url": "string"

Get embed

Get an embed by id.

GET /api/embeds/{id}
Path parameters
id integer required

Id of embed.

Example request
curl {WEAVY-URL}/api/embeds/1
-H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS-TOKEN | API-KEY}"
Response codes

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found

Response schema
  "id": "integer",
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "author_name": "string",
  "author_url": "string",
  "provider_name": "string",
  "provider_url": "string",
  "cache_age": "integer",
  "thumbnail_url": "string",
  "thumbnail_width": "integer",
  "thumbnail_height": "integer",
  "url": "string",
  "width": "integer",
  "height": "integer",
  "html": "string",
  "original_url": "string"
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