Notifications component

<wy-notifications> | WyNotifications

Weavy automatically creates notifications for reactions, mentions and other activities. With the Notifications component you can display these notifications, mark them as read/unread, and handle navigation when a notification is clicked.


If you installed the UIKit with npm you can use the following snippet to import the component into your project. Otherwise, if you installed the UIKit as a <script> you can ignore this section.

import { WyNotifications } from "@weavy/uikit-web";


Display all notifications for the authenticated user.


Display notifications for the authenticated user that originated from app with the specified uid.

<wy-notifications uid="test-chat"></wy-notifications>


Property Type Description
uid string Optional filter to only show notifications for app with uid.

Learn more about attributes and properties.


Name Description
wy:link Emitted when a notification is clicked.

Learn more about events.


The component exposes the following methods.


Marks all notifications as read. Respects any filtering set by the uid property.

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